What is american?

Famous quotes containing the word american:

    Even American women are not felt to be persons in the same sense as the male immigrants among the Hungarians, Poles, Russian Jews,—not to speak of Italians, Germans, and the masters of all of us—the Irish!
    Mary Putnam Jacobi (1842–1906)

    Our fathers and grandfathers who poured over the Midwest were self-reliant, rugged, God-fearing people of indomitable courage.... They asked only for freedom of opportunity and equal chance. In these conceptions lies the real basis of American democracy. They and their fathers give a genius to American institutions that distinguished our people from any other in the world.
    Herbert Hoover (1874–1964)

    The American people have done much for the locomotive, and the locomotive has done much for them.
    James A. Garfield (1831–1881)