
Famous quotes containing the word fought:

    Did you ever hear about Cocaine Lil?
    She lived in Cocaine town on Cocaine hill,
    She had a cocaine dog and a cocaine cat,
    They fought all night with a cocaine rat,
    Unknown. Cocaine Lil (l. 1–4)

    The sacred obligation to the Union soldiers must not—will not be forgotten nor neglected.... But those who fought against the Nation cannot and do not look to it for relief.... Confederate soldiers and their descendants are to share with us and our descendants the destiny of America. Whatever, therefore, we their fellow citizens can do to remove burdens from their shoulders and to brighten their lives is surely in the pathway of humanity and patriotism.
    Rutherford Birchard Hayes (1822–1893)

    I started out very quiet and I beat Mr. Turgenev. Then I trained hard and I beat Mr. de Maupassant. I’ve fought two draws with Mr. Stendhal, and I think I had an edge in the last one. But nobody’s going to get me in any ring with Mr. Tolstoy unless I’m crazy or I keep getting better.
    Ernest Hemingway (1899–1961)