Who is zick rubin?

Famous quotes containing the words zick rubin, zick and/or rubin:

    Children, then, acquire social skills not so much from adults as from their interactions with one another. They are likely to discover through trial and error which strategies work and which do not, and later to reflect consciously on what they have learned.
    Zick Rubin (20th century)

    Friends don’t snatch or act snobby, and they don’t argue or disagree. If you’re nice to them, they’ll be nice to you.
    Julie, U.S. child, age eight. As quoted in Children’s Friendships&NT,: by Zick Rubin, ch. 3 (1980)

    Children crawl before they walk, walk before they run—each generally a precondition for the other. And with each step they take toward more independence, more mastery of the environment, their mothers take a step away—each a small separation, a small distancing.
    —Lillian Breslow Rubin (20th century)