
Famous quotes containing the word troops:

    But, where the road runs near the stream,
    Oft through the trees they catch a glance
    Of passing troops in the sun’s beam—
    Pennon, and plume, and flashing lance!
    Forth to the world those soldiers fare,
    To life, to cities, and to war!
    Matthew Arnold (1822–1888)

    O, now for ever
    Farewell the tranquil mind, farewell content,
    Farewell the plumèd troops and the big wars
    That makes ambition virtue! O, farewell!
    William Shakespeare (1564–1616)

    A country grows in history not only because of the heroism of its troops on the field of battle, it grows also when it turns to justice and to right for the conservation of its interests.
    Aristide Briand (1862–1932)