Film Series

A film series is a collection of related films in succession. Their relationship is not fixed, but generally share a common diegetic world. Sometimes the work is conceived as a multiple-film work, for example the Three Colours series, but in most cases the success of the original film inspires further films to be made. Individual sequels are relatively common, but are not always successful enough to spawn further installments.

Harry Potter is the most commercially successful film series, surpassing the Star Wars and James Bond series while Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings has the highest average. The Wong Fei Hung film series is the longest film series with 89 films.

Famous quotes containing the words film and/or series:

    All the old supports going, gone, this man reaches out a hand to steady himself on a ledge of rough brick that is warm in the sun: his hand feeds him messages of solidity, but his mind messages of destruction, for this breathing substance, made of earth, will be a dance of atoms, he knows it, his intelligence tells him so: there will soon be war, he is in the middle of war, where he stands will be a waste, mounds of rubble, and this solid earthy substance will be a film of dust on ruins.
    Doris Lessing (b. 1919)

    Every man sees in his relatives, and especially in his cousins, a series of grotesque caricatures of himself.
    —H.L. (Henry Lewis)