Who is richard lovelace?

Richard Lovelace

Richard Lovelace (1618–1657) was an English poet in the seventeenth century. He was a cavalier poet who fought on behalf of the king during the Civil War. His best known works are "To Althea, from Prison," and "To Lucasta, Going to the Warres."

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Famous quotes containing the words richard lovelace, richard and/or lovelace:

    Here we’ll strip and cool our fire
    In cream below, in milk-baths higher;
    And when all wells are drawn dry,
    I’ll drink a tear out of thine eye.
    Richard Lovelace (1618–1658)

    When a man of genius is denied of his great love, he goes mad. His brain, instead of being clear to do his work, is tortured, so he begins to think of torture. Torture for those who have tortured him.
    David Boehm, and Louis Friedlander. Dr. Richard Vollin (Bela Lugosi)

    Then Love, I beg, when next thou takest thy bow,
    Thy angry shafts, and dost heart-chasing go,
    Pass rascal deer, strike me the largest doe.
    —Richard Lovelace (1618–1658)