What is parker?


Parker may refer to people with first name Parker or the surname Parker.

Read more about Parker.

Famous quotes containing the word parker:

    God of justice, God of mercy,
    Make us merciful and just!
    Help us see all your creation
    As from you a sacred trust.
    And when people cry in anguish
    For their own or others’ pain,
    Show us ways to make a difference
    O dear God, make us humane!
    —Jane Parker Huber (b. 1926)

    ...I had been fed, in my youth, a lot of old wives’ tales about the way men would instantly forsake a beautiful woman to flock around a brilliant one. It is but fair to say that, after getting out in the world, I had never seen this happen ....
    —Dorothy Parker (1893–1967)

    Why is it no one ever sent me yet
    One perfect limousine, do you suppose?
    Ah no, it’s always just my luck to get
    One perfect rose.
    —Dorothy Parker (1893–1967)