What is join?

Famous quotes containing the word join:

    ‘Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land,
    Taught my benighted soul to understand
    That there’s a God, that there’s a Saviour too:
    Once I redemption neither sought nor knew.
    Some view our sable race with scornful eye,
    “Their color is a diabolic die.”
    Remember, Christians, Negroes, black as Cain,
    May be refin’d, and join th’ angelic train.
    Phillis Wheatley (c. 1753–1784)

    I’d better get right down to the job.
    It’s true I don’t want to join the Army or turn lathes in
    precision parts factories, I’m nearsighted and psychopathic anyway.
    America I’m putting my queer shoulder to the wheel.
    Allen Ginsberg (b. 1926)

    Triumphant Tories, and desponding Whigs,
    Forget their feuds, and join to save their wigs.
    Jonathan Swift (1667–1745)