Prime Minister of Australia

Prime Minister Of Australia

The Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia is the highest minister of the Crown, leader of the Cabinet and head of government, holding office on commission from the Governor-General of Australia. The office of Prime Minister is, in practice, the most powerful political office in Australia. Despite being at the apex of executive government in the country, the office is not mentioned in the Constitution of Australia specifically and exists through an unwritten political convention.

Barring exceptional circumstances, the prime minister is always the leader of the political party or coalition with majority support in the House of Representatives. The only case where a senator was appointed prime minister was that of John Gorton, who subsequently resigned his Senate position and was elected as a member of the House of Representatives (Senator George Pearce was acting prime minister for seven months in 1916 while Billy Hughes was overseas).

Julia Gillard is the current Prime Minister, leader of the Australian Labor Party, and the first female Prime Minister of Australia.

Read more about Prime Minister Of Australia:  Appointment, Powers, Salary and Benefits, List of Prime Ministers, Graphical Timeline, Living Former Prime Ministers, Religious Beliefs, Convictions, Births and Deaths, Ages, Post-office Longevity

Famous quotes containing the words prime minister, prime, minister and/or australia:

    No woman in my time will be Prime Minister or Chancellor or Foreign Secretary—not the top jobs. Anyway I wouldn’t want to be Prime Minister. You have to give yourself 100%.
    Margaret Thatcher (b. 1925)

    Ay, look: high heaven and earth ail from the prime foundation;
    All thoughts to rive the heart are here, and all are vain:
    Horror and scorn and hate and fear and indignation—
    Oh, why did I awake? When shall I sleep again?
    —A.E. (Alfred Edward)

    Just let him be minister if that’s what he desires, but without his brother and his brother-in-law.
    Franz Grillparzer (1791–1872)

    It is very considerably smaller than Australia and British Somaliland put together. As things stand at present there is nothing much the Texans can do about this, and ... they are inclined to shy away from the subject in ordinary conversation, muttering defensively about the size of oranges.
    Alex Atkinson, British humor writer. repr. In Present Laughter, ed. Alan Coren (1982)