What is jackson?

Famous quotes containing the word jackson:

    Trusting as we did to the virtue of the people, the real people, not the politicians and demagogues, we passed through the most responsible and trying scenes, sustained by the bone and sinew of the nation, the laborers of the land, where alone, in these days of Bank rule, and ragocrat corruption, real virtue and love of liberty is to be found.
    —Andrew Jackson (1767–1845)

    This spirit of mob-law is becoming as great an evil as a servile war.
    —Andrew Jackson (1767–1845)

    Being the dependents of the general government, and looking to its treasury as the source of all their emoluments, the state officers, under whatever names they might pass and by whatever forms their duties might be prescribed, would in effect be the mere stipendiaries and instruments of the central power.
    —Andrew Jackson (1767–1845)