What is flat?


Flat, or flatness, describes an object or condition that is very smooth or level.

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Famous quotes containing the word flat:

    For the Eye altering alters all;
    The Senses roll themselves in fear
    And the flat Earth becomes a Ball.
    William Blake (1757–1827)

    Ask a toad what beauty is, the supreme beauty, the to kalon. He will tell you it is his lady toad with her two big round eyes coming out of her little head, her large flat snout, yellow belly, brown back.
    Voltaire [François Marie Arouet] (1694–1778)

    They all see you when you least suspect.
    Out flat in your p.j.’s glowering at T.V.
    or at the oven gassing the cat
    or at the Hotel 69 head to knee.
    Anne Sexton (1928–1974)