What is contract?


A contract is an agreement entered into voluntarily by two parties or more with the intention of creating a legal obligation, which may have elements in writing, though contracts can be made orally. The remedy for breach of contract can be "damages" or compensation of money. In equity, the remedy can be specific performance of the contract or an injunction. Both of these remedies award the party at loss the "benefit of the bargain" or expectation damages, which are greater than mere reliance damages, as in promissory estoppel. The parties may be natural persons or juristic persons. A contract is a legally enforceable promise or undertaking that something will or will not occur. The word promise can be used as a legal synonym for contract., although care is required as a promise may not have the full standing of a contract, as when it is an agreement without consideration.

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Famous quotes containing the word contract:

    A contract for better for worse is a contract that should not be tolerated.
    George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950)

    A good businessman never makes a contract unless he’s sure he can carry it through, yet every fool on earth is perfectly willing to sign a marriage contract without considering whether he can live up to it or not.
    Dalton Trumbo (1905–1976)

    Any intelligent woman who reads the marriage contract and then goes into it, deserves all the consequences.
    Isadora Duncan (1878–1927)