Protestant Separate School

Famous quotes containing the words protestant, separate and/or school:

    blow as he would, though it made a great noise,
    The flute would play only ‘The Protestant Boys’.
    —Unknown. The Old Orange Flute (l. 23–24)

    In my state, on the basis of the separate but equal doctrine, we have made enormous strides over the years in the education of both races. Personally, I think it would have been sounder judgment to allow that progress to continue through the process of natural evolution. However, there is no point crying about spilt milk.
    Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908–1973)

    Children in home-school conflict situations often receive a double message from their parents: “The school is the hope for your future, listen, be good and learn” and “the school is your enemy. . . .” Children who receive the “school is the enemy” message often go after the enemy—act up, undermine the teacher, undermine the school program, or otherwise exercise their veto power.
    James P. Comer (20th century)