List of Songs Based On Poems

List Of Songs Based On Poems

This is a list of songs of any genre that take a significant portion of their lyrics from poems or poetic works. This is not intended to cover poetry readings with musical backdrops, songs that allude to poems, or works always intended to be songs.

Read more about List Of Songs Based On Poems:  Rachel Bluwstein, Robert Burns, Federico García Lorca, George Gordon Byron, Ronny Someck, Emily Dickinson, Pablo Neruda, Edgar Allan Poe, Christina Rossetti, William Shakespeare, Hannah Szenes, Phillip Brady, William Butler Yeats, Miscellaneous

Famous quotes containing the words list of, list, songs, based and/or poems:

    Shea—they call him Scholar Jack—
    Went down the list of the dead.
    Officers, seamen, gunners, marines,
    The crews of the gig and yawl,
    The bearded man and the lad in his teens,
    Carpenters, coal-passers—all.
    Joseph I. C. Clarke (1846–1925)

    Hey, you dress up our town very nicely. You don’t look out the Chamber of Commerce is going to list you in their publicity with the local attractions.
    Robert M. Fresco, and Jack Arnold. Dr. Matt Hastings (John Agar)

    So do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit, as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Bible: New Testament, Ephesians 5:17-20.

    A woman does not have to make decisions based on the need to survive. She can cut through issues, call shots as she sees them.... Many bad decisions are made by men in government because it is good for them personally to make bad public decisions.
    Dianne Feinstein (b. 1933)

    I know an Englishman,
    Being flattered, is a lamb; threatened, a lion.
    George Chapman c. 1559–1634, British dramatist, poet, translator. repr. In Plays and Poems of George Chapman: The Tragedies, ed. Thomas Marc Parrott (1910)